понедельник, 19 июня 2017 г.

Architects and apperception

In the background of the “Heart of the City” design competitions as well as the competitions of 2014-2015 organized by Kaliningrad City Administration and the local Union of Architects, the story about the Kaliningrad Museum of Philosophy Design Student Competition 2016-2017 should be classified as an odd phenomenon. This story is rather mysterious than shady. There is a glimmer of Russian mysterious soul, anathema and adventure in this story, primarily on the part of the competition organizer represented by Maxim Poleschuk who is hiding behind numerous statements such as “with participation from…” and “together with…”.
The right way to dig out the cranium of Immanuel Kant: the 19th century instruction


Several years ago, Maxim Poleschuk, MARCHI (Moscow Architectural Institute) lecturer, was a guest at the «Baltic Artek» (Youth Camp annually organized on the Baltic Sea coast in the Kaliningrad Region). During the event, he came up with the idea that it would be great to create a Museum of Philosophy in Kaliningrad. Considering that there are no such museums in the world, the area remains unexplored. The idea seemed especially attractive in view of the forthcoming 300th year anniversary of Immanuel Kant in 2024.
Having discussed the idea with Baltic Artek young participants who are known to be always eager to support any activities, Maxim Poleschuk began to look for supporters among adult stakeholders.   Many of those potential project partners whom Maxim talked to appeared to be neither “pro” nor “opposed to” his idea (in addition to the fact that the “Heart of the City” Bureau had already presented their own vision of the subject). A lack of encouragement on the part of potential stakeholders was attributed by Maxim Poleschuk to idleness and provinciality diplomatic neutrality that had to be stirred up by his own enthusiasm. He announced the “International Student Competition” for the Kaliningrad Museum of Philosophy Building Design by publishing the competition programme on a website different from MARHI official homepage and by making a presentation about the competition during the Moscow festival “Zodchestvo-2016”.  The call for proposals was also published on archi.ru and a few other online sources. Information looked as follows:

dead-line регистрации:15.03.2017
dead-line подачи проектов:15.03.2017
дата объявления результатов:05.04.2017
открыт для:архитектурных школ (разработка концепции в рамках учебного процесса)
регистрационный взнос:нет
награда:три первых места - стажировка в ведущих европейских архитектурных школах (для иностранных участников - в России); два лучших проекта и архитектурные школы будут допущены до профессионального конкурса на II этапе
ссылки:Официальный сайт проекта



" MARCHI in collaboration with the Kaliningrad Region Administration is currently implementing the first phase of the first in the world “Museum of Philosophy” International Project timed to coincide with the 300th year anniversary of Immanuel Kant. Modern societies face the crisis of positive development ideas. Overcoming the cultural crisis of modern civilization is connected with searching for new ideological and philosophical grounds. Thus, the creation of the Museum of Philosophy can be seen as an important international event in the context of contemporary social, political and cultural challenges facilitating the introduction of new ideas on positive development. The project should become one of the new symbols of a positive image of the future, an international center for philosophical studies and a tourist site of world interest. The competition is aimed at supporting cultural cooperation in conditions of political "cooling", finding a rationale for location (five area are proposed as a potential location), the development of a concept and structure of the museum (building, exhibition and aesthetic image)”.


The first paradox was immediately revealed. MARHI was claimed to be the main organizer but the call for proposals for a Museum of Philosophy competition was never published at the institute’s official website. The only reference published was a short brief on the pre-qualification of entrants among MARCHI students. No mentions of the competition were made by numerous organizations (including the non-existent “Kaliningrad Region Administration”), which were claimed to be “co-partners” and “collaborators” in the competition process.


The second paradox was the unclear origin of the competition programme that had nothing to do with the current agenda in Kaliningrad.

The Terms of Reference referred to thousands of square meters intended for philosophical studies while recommendations, received by Poleschuk from Kaliningrad experts, with regard to the competition mission statement and potential location of the museum were completely ignored.  

The website where the competition brief was published was unavailable in March 2017.

The third paradox was mentioned on the facebook group of competition organizers: what sense does it make to design a cognac bottle if there is no cognac?  First, a museum concept must be in place and, then, it shall be followed by the architectural design and not the other way around.

This was the way Svetlana Sivkova (Director of the Kaliningrad Museum of the World Ocean) followed when designing the new building of the Museum of the World Ocean   in Kaliningrad. First, a museum and exhibition concept was commissioned, then a design competition was announced. 

However, as time passed, on 26 March 2017, Maxim Poleschuk sent a press-release saying that “a competition jury meeting took place on 24 March  and the jury’s panel consisted of A. Rubtsov (Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences), A. Brodsky (architect, painter), V. Bandakov (architect from Nizhny Novgorod), D. Yusupov (urbanist from Saint-Petersburg), V. Genne (chief architect of Kaliningrad), D. Podyapolsky (architect) and M. Poleschuk (curator of competition, Professor at MARCHI).

Over 80 entries from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Tomsk, Krasnodar and Madrid were submitted. Announcement of winners and award ceremony will be held on 24 May at the exhibition "ARCH-Moscow"”.

The apparent conflict of interests in connection with the participation of A. Rubtsov in the student (!) competition as a member of one of the design teams and a member the jury’s panel was not commented. 



On 20 April 2017, the exhibition of the “best 30 entries” of this competition was opened in the hall of the Arts and History Museum of the Kaliningrad Region, and a round table was held. The round table was completely ignored by “officials” who, thus, demonstrated their lack of interest in the project. In my own statement at the round table I touched upon the general relevance of “event”-buildings in Kaliningrad in view of the Theater of the Estrada project failure (a negative experience in Svetlogorsk) and in the context of the forthcoming completion of the new building of the Museum of the World Ocean promising to become the major event in architecture of Kaliningrad over seventeen years of the twenty-first century (a positive experience).

Participants of the “Round table"
Having briefly looked through the competition entries, participants of the round table discussed the relevance of the museum of philosophy as an idea, expressed their surprise regarding the fact that the jury panel completed their evaluation almost two months ago and failed to publish results or any official information at the competition website or MARCHI official homepage. Such a degree of public information disclosure gives a reason to believe that either the organization of the competition failed or organizers have something to hide. But what do they hide? It is unclear… It remains however obvious that they wish to take part in any anniversary events in 2024.

Leonard Kalinnikov, Professor at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University 

Exhibition of students’ competition entries at the hall of the 
Arts and History Museum and M. Poleschuk giving interview of to TV-channel “Kaskad” 


On 24 May, the award ceremony was held at the site of the exhibition ARCH-Moscow. Therewith, organizers changed the structure of nominations.     

Entries were displayed behind the black half-transparent curtain to make a visitor go through the labyrinth.

The way "the labyrinth" looked from outside
.... Maxim Poleschuk gave me the floor to speak at the close of the award ceremony (as I refused the honor to hand out awards to winners).  My statement was brief. I mentioned that any architect should test a client for “sanity”, to check if a client understands what they do and what they write in their competition brief. In this regard, I also said that I believe that the competition has been won by those entrants who а) took a dim view of the competition program and re-formulated it by themselves, and б) selected a strategy of disobjectification and refrained from piling up huge buildings in the centre of Kaliningrad. These are the projects of “museum the wanderer”, “philosophical park”, “Necropolis” and others.
And this is not the right way to hold competitions, even if this competition is intended for students. ("Yes, yes, we agree, we agree! – Maxim Poleschuk hastily reacted).

The final press-release that was circulated at the award ceremony and mentioning the winners’ names looked as follows:


As there is still no official information available on the internet and Maxim Poleschuk sent me all thirty entries requesting to assist in spreading information about the competition, I have downloaded all the entries at the link here. The official website of the competition has been down for several months:







Dear citizens of Kaliningrad, stay alert!  This is only the beginning. We have 7 years left until Immanuel Kant’s anniversary but transcendental apperception has already been flying all over us!


...and, finally, a quote from the living classic:

 "1. Nowadays, architects do not know anything about philosophy and if they have any ideas, then, in contemporary philosophy, these ideas may be considered as historic phenomena or types of philosophical misinterpretations.    

2. Contemporary philosophy does not possess any “true knowledge” or “property of relevance” and, therefore, its foundations are under continuous discussions.  In this regard, it reminds of mathematics but mathematics has many formalized problems and methods of their solution that can be successfully applied in some field of science and engineering. Contemporary philosophy is a game that is partially based on rules, which are very hard to learn, and partially based on records about the games that were held during the last century, likewise in chess, there are records available of all prominent world chess championships”. Alexander Rappaport, 2017, blog “A Tower and a Labyrinth". 

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